You need only run the following command and you're good to go. Installing MJML is quite simple if you have npm or yarn installed. And this is your whirlwind guide to building HTML with it! So let's get started. It came a bit too late for my mainstay in email marketing, but I still use it for transactional emails. But a while ago, thanks to I learned about one framework that stood above all others. But they're either terrible to set up or still require you to remember a good few pitfalls in HTML email. Of course for a while now there's been solutions like Foundation for Emails, emailframe.work and many others. No really, here's a list of CSS support in email. And funnily enough Google, the company responsible for one of the most advanced browers, is one of the worst offenders. We're talking inline styles, table layouts, transparency hacks, and so and so forth. The amount of tiny, obscure things you have to remember is incredible.

Building HTML email was one of my responsibilities at my first job before I got into freelancing and I feel like in those three years I aged by at least a decade. I wish I was kidding about this, I really do. HTML email is like the Wild West of web technologies. The amount of work that has to go into these magical creations can be absolutely mind-numbing. If you count yourself among those that have never built an HTML email before, count your blessings.
In other words, it will maintain the full link that you pasted into the URL field.So I assume that if you're reading this article, you belong to one of three categories of people: The type which has never built HTML email but wants to get into it, the type which has built HTML email before and wants to find a better way to do it and then the type who just reads everything I write for some reason.
will not be available in the BEE Pro file manager.It's easy to add an external image by using the URL field on the content properties of an image block: on your company site, a blog, an online store, etc.) or use a service such as CloudApp or Imgur to host them. You can use images that are already online (e.g. We refer to them as external or remotely hosted images. You can use images that are not hosted by BEE Pro, but rather somewhere else. In this case, the sending platform will host the images on your behalf. If it doesn't, you can still import the HTML and images separately. This is easy when your email service provider has an "import ZIP file" feature (or similar). If designing emails, this allows you to upload all the contents to your ESP upon importing the export file. An HTML file with local paths to that folder for those images (e.g.An "images" folder with the images used in your email (limited to 5 MB).If you export as a ZIP folder, the file contains: You can also opt to keep the images hosted by BEE Pro and have the HTML of the email link to them. The original export method provided by BEE Pro creates a ZIP file that you can save to your computer. External images will return the original absolute URL. Images hosted through BEE Pro will return a local file path in this case. If you're exporting a ZIP file, you might see a local path to the image file or an absolute URL to it.

The HTML output you receive upon export might depend on how you bring an image into the builder. This allows you to use absolute URLs to them in your designs, as described below. Instead, you could keep them hosted using services such as Imgur or CloudApp. You can also decide not to import the images at all. Importing them from social media accounts, cloud storage, etc.Dragging and dropping them directly from your desktop.You can import images into your design in a variety of ways when using BEE Pro: Importing Images or Using Remotely Hosted Ones This article applies to both versions of the builder in all BEE Pro plans.